21. Assessments
(1) Where a VAT dealer or TOT dealer fails to file a return in respect of any tax period within the prescribed time, the authority prescribed shall assess the dealer for the said period for such default in the manner prescribed.
(2) If a VAT dealer or TOT dealer submits a return along with evidence for full payment of tax, subsequent to the prescribed time the assessment made under sub-section (1) shall be withdrawn without prejudice to any interest or penalty leviable.
(3) Where the authority prescribed is not satisfied with a return filed by the VAT dealer or TOT dealer or the return appears to be incorrect or incomplete, he shall assess to the best of his judgement within four years of due date of the return or within four years of the date of filing of the return whichever is later.
(4) The authority prescribed may, based on any information available or on any other basis, conduct a detailed scrutiny of the accounts of any VAT dealer or TOT dealer and where any assessment as a result of such scrutiny becomes necessary, such assessment shall be made within a period of four years from the end of the period for which the assessment is to be made.
(5) Where any willful evasion of tax has been committed by a dealer, an assessment shall be made to the best of his judgment by the authority prescribed within a period of six years of date of filing of the return or the first return relating to such offence.
(6) The authority prescribed may reassess, where an assessment was already made under sub-sections (1) to (5) and such assessment understates the correct tax liability of the dealer, within a period of four years from the date of such assessment.
(7) Where any assessment has been deferred by the Commissioner under subsection (5) of section 32 or as the case may be, the Appellate Tribunal under the proviso to sub section (4) of section 33 on account of any stay order granted by the Appellate Tribunal or as the case may be, the Andhra Pradesh High Court or the Supreme Court respectively, or whereas appeal or other proceedings is pending before the Appellate Tribunal or the High Court or Supreme Court involving a question of law having a direct bearing on the assessment in question, the period during which the stay order was in force or such appeal or proceedings was pending shall be excluded in computing the period of four years or six years as the case may be for the purpose of making the assessment.
(8) Where an assessment made has been set aside by any Court or as the case may be the Appellate Tribunal , the period between the date of such assessment and the date on which it has been set aside shall be excluded in computing the period of four years or six years as the case may be, for making any fresh assessment;